
Alf laugh.jpg



We are in Week 9 of Term 3.

This term, my 8-year-old has been to the school office 15 times.

He has had numerous tummy aches. He’s had concussion. Well, he hasn’t had concussion. He watches quite a bit of football, so he knows concussion is serious and gets you at least a week off life if you have it. He’s had a headache. He’s had a sore arm, a sore finger, a sore knee and a sore foot. He’s been tired. He’s had a temperature (that one was verified by evidence).

And then the last, my favourite. He took himself to the front office and declared that he had nits. That he has had them since he was 3 years old. That is apparently 5 years of head lice. After the wonderful receptionist/negotiator checked him over, I am pleased to report he did not have head lice. However, his response...."School policy not to return him to class if he is suspected of nits…."

So he was again once picked up from school early as he just needed to be home.

It’s been a term. Week 9, Term 3. It’s been a lot.

These little hearts are so tired. These big hearts are so tired. So again, this is my message to you.


Please don’t think being tired makes you a bad parent; it means you care.

Please don’t forget that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.

Please don’t believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness—it's strength.

Please don’t let it consume you when things don’t go as planned.

Please don’t think you’re failing because you can’t do it all.

Please don’t expect to have all the answers right away.

Please don’t feel guilty for needing a break—everyone does.

Please don’t assume your hard work goes unnoticed.

Please don’t think you need to hide your struggles—you're not alone.

Please don’t overlook how important it is to just show up, day after day.

Please don’t doubt that messy days can still be meaningful.

Please don’t ever feel like your best isn’t enough—it is.


Please embrace the mess—it’s part of the beauty of life with kids.

Please take time to breathe, even on the busiest days.

Please laugh with your children often, it heals the soul.

Please be proud of how far you've come, even if the journey isn’t perfect.

Please remind yourself that growth happens in the tough moments.

Please do cherish the memories you’re creating, even in the chaos.

Please trust that you’re exactly what your child needs, just as you are.

