Charter for Parents
Charter for Parents in SA Catholic Schools
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Diocese of Port Pirie work in partnership with parents and carers and their school communities to promote a shared responsibility for the education of each child. This charter provides the principles and expectations to achieve this partnership.
South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools endorsed the Charter for Parents and encourages use between schools, parents and carers. The charter was developed after lengthy consultation with stakeholders including parent bodies, leadership, principal associations and Catholic identity team.
It is important for parents and carers to feel empowered in their journey. This resource provides the guidelines for the partnership to use, follow and feel confident in the journey.

Why do we need a Charter?
A thriving relationship between parents and schools provides a powerful environment for the flourishing of each and every child.
Within this relationship, both parents and schools have distinct responsibilities to nurture a strong ongoing partnership.
The Partnership recognises:
• The primary role parents play in their child’s faith formation, learning and wellbeing
• The contribution that parents make by valuing the Catholic identity and mission of the schools
• The shared responsibility for the social, spiritual and emotional development of our students in our schools.