
Dad jj.jpg

Better go get living


So, I was trying to do another cupboard clean of the house. You know the ones – the grand old plans to declutter – make more space, be more organised, become less stressed. What ended up happening was finding all the old photos and memories from my parent’s houses. Boxes and boxes of photos and even film negatives. This stopped cleaning and started the memory lane journey.


There are many pictures of my parents from caravan trips to Bright to backyard cricket matches. Taking photos, capturing the moment was always been big in our family.


Jasper has clear memories of Dad but never met mum, with St Pat’s Day being one of his favourite memories. My dad’s family was from Ireland. Jasper has always been pretty adamant that as such, St Pat’s Day should be a public holiday.


He remembers the highlight reel - The laughs, the dancing, the absolute happiness. Alfie never got the chance to meet either of them, but often asks why Jasper has red hair and freckles, why we listen to Irish music and why my brother has a love for the black beer.


Over the years since mum and dad have gone, the worry and helplessness have faded away. And the depths of gratitude have magnified.


Moments mean more, things mean less. How lucky I was to have the long conversations about life, war, and his Irish heritage. How lucky that I kept mum’s simple recipe books to remind me of the very plain cook she was. How lucky I am that I had the knowing to keep the old Nokia (snake game) phone which has their voice messages on it.


The trip down memory lane reminded me of the life lesson to get on with living. The lesson I learned is that you can do good, you can be good, but it doesn’t grant you more years. There is no afterparty. The good, the bad - it is all happening right now, simultaneously.


Today’s lesson – is to get living.


Take more notice of the unknown expiration date of life. Colour each day with purpose and intent. Slow down. Dance more. Say no to things more. Live more.


Thanks for the lesson, Mum, and Dad. Better go get living. 

Trish x