
Alfie Beach.jpg

Watch me, I've done this before.


Sometimes, I question if I am cut out for this mothering gig.


Then I see family drawn pictures of me with giant hands, scribbled hair and I am the tallest in the line of the family, and I know that my presence is felt.

There is no question though, that it is hard mothering, parenting, our children through their own Storm.


Storms where you feel they have no lifeboat, no sunshine in sight - and they must ride it out. As a parent, it’s wanting to weather the storm for yourself, so you don’t need to see them this way.


It’s watching them feel the feelings that you can’t fix. It’s seeing their heartbreak on show, where you need to console and hold space to carry them through. It's finding the strength within you to do this, when you yourself, need the same. It’s trusting they have the skills to handle the situation themselves when all your instincts want to walk into the playground and sort it  out yourself.


It’s our job, as parents, to share our calm in the storm. Not join in the chaos. You can't calm a storm, but you can calm yourself. Over time, the storm will pass.


Remember the crying newborn and sleepless nights and you thought... “How am I going to get through this? "

You did.

Remember the strong-willed toddler who demanded daily dress ups before going out of the house and you thought...“How am I going to get through this?"

You did.

Remember when your best friend moved overseas so the daily phone calls slowed and you thought...  “How am I going to get through this this?”

You did.

Remember when you got that phone call from the hospital saying it was now time to let go of your favourite person and you thought... “How am I going to get through this?"

You did.


Whatever the storm your child may be facing, know that have not only taught your children how to get through this, but you have also shown them. Each time, when you thought you couldn’t make it through, you have.


This new storm, you will get all through.

You have.

You can.

You will.


Don’t doubt it, you are cut out for this gig.