
Mummy pic.jpg

I'm not you, but no-one is.


Dear Parents,

I know you held it in this morning. That was hard. But we will care for them too. Let’s do this as a team.

We got this. I am not you, but no-one is. 

We know your little loves have already been at school – with you, at home, learning life. You were their first teacher, and you always will be. But as they walk through those gates, I’ll be the new you.

I am not you, but no-one is. They wont be alone. They are with us. I know you had the usual photos this morning. In front of the same tree you do each year, just to see how much they have grown. I know deep down inside you might feel nervous and you can't show it. It’s ok – we are here.

I can’t wait to hear about your little ones summer holidays. What they did, what they saw, which mum you forgot to arrange the urgent playdate with.

Yes, I am new to them, but I won’t be for long. I soon will get to know the traits which make them their own person. Soon I will learn who their favourite person is to sit next to, what face they make when they are nervous and when they need an icepack.

Soon I will understand the stress that is experienced if the laptop Is not charged, how it hurt when they lost their basketball game on the weekend or the absolute joy of riding home from school on their own.

Soon I will know the anxiety final exams bring. The panic of whether the right subject choices have been made to lead into those final years. The importance of just being heard.

You already know all these things. As you are their first teacher. But soon, I will know them too.  I may be new to them this year, but that won’t last long.

You don’t need to worry. I will care for them. I will see them. I will listen. I will promise to keep them safe and happy. I will encourage them to be their best, just like you have. Like you do. When they don’t know things, I will teach them. Just like you have, like you do.

I know it is hard that they are with me in the day now. But I promise you, you are still number one. You aren’t forgotten.

I mean this. I see it everyday. You are the one they draw in their pictures with oversized ears and sticks for legs. You are the ones they write about in the stories about holidays. You are the ones they talk about if they don’t like the fruit they have for recess.

And you are the ones they look forward to seeing at the end of the day.

So until 3pm. Trust us. We will be there. We have got this. I am not you, no-one is.

And remember, you are still number one.


Every Teacher