
Alfie comparison.jpg

I see you



The start of the year began with fresh hair cuts, uniforms that fit and shiny shoes. The end of the year has finished with wearing your brother's uniform as yours has lost a button, an afro of curls and odd socks.

You are holding it all together. Kind of on the countdown to school holidays and Christmas, kind of not. 

As you are tired. Exhausted. And not quite sure how to gather the energy for the holidays.

And I hear you.

But remember – this year started different. You didn’t start on a full tank. Only our littlest and biggest went to school. And even then, you only went to the gate. You had to stay home, work and help with online learning. The term was filled with masks, Covid, forms, reporting, PCRS, Rat tests, isolation time changes.

Remember trying to work out if you were a close contact?

That was just this year team. We hadn’t even hit Easter yet.

The year then became a catch up. A race. A race to squeeze in all we felt we missed out when the world was shut. There were holidays that needed to be taken, work conferences that had to be attended and sporting events that needed to resume. All this was done on a half-filled tank.

The world, life, events, functions, parties all came back after a 2-year rest. A 2-year breather. But we didn’t have that breather. But we still went to each one.

So, if you are feeling like you are limping towards the finish line, you likely are.

But for a moment, l ask you to look back through your phone. Check the pictures from the start of the year. Check the fresh faced excited little ones with uniforms too big. Look at those faces.

Then look at your phones and think back to last week’s Christmas Concert or the last assembly. Those faces were still there. As happy, as fresh, and as excited as day one.

You all did that. You held that together. You made that happen.

Their faces from Day One were  as happy as Day 201 (or what feels like Day 501).

Now Team – You made it. Well done you.

Find that energy for the holidays…. And as a tip… use the 5678 art masterpieces that will have started coming home as Xmas wrapping paper!


PS - Book your child in for a hair cut.

