
BBH Lunch 1 COVID Feb 2022.jpg

There is no place like home


Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.  And the uncertainty for boarders who are facing potential isolation if identified as close contacts, is making that feeling difficult.

The frustration, concern, and anxiety of parents in remote and regional communities has been highlighted over the past 3 weeks as boarding students return to their boarding schools.

Practically managing the requirements for boarders who are deemed as close contacts, has been unviable.

The current direction is placing students and their families under considerable stress. Of most concern for parents and caregivers is the impact this is having on students learning, and the potential of ongoing impacts should multiple isolations be required.

Whilst it is understood that directions are provided for the health and safety of the boarders and staff, the implementation of the procedures is impractical. 

In multiple cases, parents have travelled significant kilometres for their children to attend school, some travelling a round trip of 20 hours, only to be called immediately to come back to collect their child to isolate at home. The prospect that this isolation process may continue is untenable. 

These families and students need support during this difficult time. Whilst they are at school, the boarding house is their home. Students and families need certainty, to not only feel safe, but to manage the rollercoaster of COVID-19. The student's wellbeing is increased significantly when the boarding house feels like home.

Within the current procedures, regular RAT tests are required, students are required to wear masks whilst at their boarding school, eat individually packaged meals outside and are unable to socialise and begin to establish connections with new boarders. This is expected of them, in addition to the overhanging concern they may be deemed a close contact and require isolation. Their home is different, and they are facing significant challenges.

Implementing an alternative approach is continued to be requested from SA Health. We, at CSPSA, will continue to support families who are affected by the current situation. We welcome affected people to reach out and connect, so we can continue to provide real day-to-day examples of how unmanageable this situation currently is to the relevant authorities. We can assist you by being your voice.

Home is where we should feel secure, safe and comfortable. It's where you find light, when all is dark. It's where memories are created, and the stories are written. This is the home we need and want our boarders to return to. And stay, with certainty. 

Read more about the experience of the boarding students at Sacred Heart College.