

Managing yourself and family on the COVID-19 rollercoaster


Tomorrow is a big day. For us all. As your child starts their first day, either in the classroom or remotely, it is a big day for you all as a family. New classes, new teachers, new friends and of course, fresh new haircuts. It’s all a bit new. Adding the additional “new normal” with the added disruptions of COVID-19 may take it is toll on the family. 

Each child and parent will experience the new normal on different levels. Dealing with COVID-19 anxiety is not about conquering the fear of your worries or concerns and making them go away. It is about creating strategies to manage the anxieties and tolerate the uncertainty.

As a parent or caregiver, managing your anxiety can be the first step to being able to help your child on this rollercoaster. 

Learning online can be overwhelming. Your school communities are working hard to make this time not only manageable, but also an enjoyable experience for you as a family. Resources for learning online can also be found here.

To assist, we have added some resource links below that can provide guidance on coping mechanisms for both the adult and the child. In addition to the direct links below, Catholic Education South Australia has a broad range of information to assist families in during this period.

There is a range of resources available online which highlight the strategies that can be developed to make the ride a little less rocky. Creating a routine, having open communication and remaining calm are all common themes in the resources.

Remember, rollercoasters have their ups and downs. It is your decision when you are on the rollercoaster, whether to scream, hang on or enjoy the ride.



10 tips for managing anxiety during COVID-19 (Blackdog Institute) 

Supporting your child to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic (Royal Children's Hospital)

Supporting children during the COVID-19 pandemic (Emerging Minds) 

How to communicate with your child about COVID-19 (Emerging Minds)

COVID-19 and children in Australia (Raising Children)