We cannot begin to imagine what it’s like for families like our own to live through the destruction and heartbreak of the war in Ukraine.
400. It’s a big number with a lot of different meanings.
400 is the number kilometres I run in the last six weeks.
$400 is the amount of money I spent on groceries last fortnight.
In March 2022, we heard that 400 was a number of Ukrainian schools and preschools that had been bombed by Russia in the last 25 days.
400 schools and preschools gone.
At a time when children need stability in their life!
We ask that you use this period of lent, to practice the following prayer is used as a prayer for peace.
Prayer for Ukraine
We turn to you, Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God made flesh for us, and we entrust the people of Ukraine to you who once said to your disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (Jn 14:27).
Hear the cry of your people; change the hearts of those who have unleashed such suffering on the innocent; strengthen the resolve of those who are working to bring the conflict to an end; be close to those who have been driven from their homes and from their homeland; heal the wounds of mind and heart inflicted on the children; comfort the frightened and the lost; strengthen the faith of those who are bereaved; give eternal rest and joy to those who have died.
In your own agony on the cross you entrusted your mother to the beloved disciple, and entrusted him and all disciples to your mother’s care (Jn 19:26). It was through Mary’s faith that you, the Word made flesh, came to dwell among us. That same faith strengthened Mary as she stood at the foot of the cross. We pray that your suffering people in Ukraine may know and experience that Mary stands with them, too, in this time of their great distress.
You have given Mary to us as the Mother of the Church and the Help of Christians. With great confidence in the power of her prayer, in accordance with the tradition of your Church, and in communion with our bishop and all the Holy People of God, we consecrate and entrust the people of Ukraine to Mary and ask that our prayers might be joined with hers as we come before you now in hope and in trusting faith.
Hear our prayers, O Lord, and raise up champions of peace, of justice and of healing, so that the weapons of war may be silenced and the people of Ukraine may know the peace that only you can give.
Mary, Mother of the Church, Help of Christians,
Mother of the Ukrainian people, pray for us